Saturday, April 9th 2016, 1 PM – 10 PM
Join us on Saturday, April 9th 2016 in a picturesque town Modra and get a taste of the very best we can offer. You will get to drink excellent wines and eat local cuisine prepared by local wine makers. Spend a lovely Saturday afternoon with your friends and family in this special atmosphere.
Forty-one wine makers are ready to welcome you in their historical wine cellars with the unique wines of the year 2015.
Just like last year and the years before, with the ticket purchase you will receive a wine-tasting glass, a booklet of participating cellars and wine makers; and a small tote bag, in which you can carry your glass.
For the ticket price of 26 € each visitor gets to spend 60 wine-tasting tickets in a nominal value 0,20 € (total 12 €). These tickets are to be spent at wine cellars as a mean of payment for every wine sample. For each wine-tasting ticket the visitor gets a 0,03l wine sample, with the exception of naturally sweet wines, which will cost more than one wine-tasting tickets. This means that every visitor can taste as many as 60 wine samples. The unspent tickets can be exchanged in any wine cellar for a whole bottle of wine, depending on the total value of the remaining tickets. This wine-tasting ticket system helps to elevate our event and rewards the wine makers for their year-long hard work.
Each visitor can also spend the single-use 4 € bonus to buy wine at any participating wine cellar.
During the whole event a special wine-cellar bus will be making rounds to ensure your comfort and safety when transferring between wine cellars.
We hope you will accept our invitation and we will see you on Saturday, April 9th 2016 in Modra, with a glass of good wine in hand.
List of wine makers
BRATIA ČÍČKOVCI - vinohradníctvo a vinárstvo | |
FEDOR MALÍK A SYN., s.r.o. | |
Fekete a syn | |
Gustáv Paták - DeGusto Winery | |
Heizer Jozef | |
Hospodárov výber Miloslav Sodoma, SHR | |
Huttera a spol, Modra | |
Ing. Vladimír Sodoma | |
Jakubec Vincent - Vinárstvo | |
Juran z Modry | |
Maduc Modra | |
Malé divy | |
Marek Kakalík, Modra | |
Martin Poruban | |
Michal Volek - LALINWINE | |
Miroslav Dudo - VMD | |
Neco estate winery | |
Petrakovič, Víno z Kráľovej | |
R.K.VIN MODRA - Ing. Radovan Krajčovič | |
Rodinná produkcia JaR Ružek |
Rodinné vinárstvo Brezina | |
Shebo Winery, a.s. | |
SODOMA Víno | |
Sodoma víno - VINIFERA | |
Stredná odborná škola vinársko-ovocinárska Modra | |
Tri Hony - Rodinné vinárstvo | |
Vinárstvo Rariga | |
Víno Fiala | |
Víno Kanich | |
Víno Kmeťo | |
Víno Kráľ K&P | |
Víno Lalinský | |
Víno Ludvik s.r.o. | |
Víno Poláček | |
Víno PURUS s.r.o. | |
Víno Šimonovič | |
víno ŠTIGLIC | |
Víno Turčina Modra | |
Vinohrady Kováč |