Saturday, April 8th 2017, 1 PM – 10 PM
41 wine makers, age-old wine cellars and unforgettable atmosphere
Let us welcome you on Saturday, April 8th 2017 to quaint little town of Modra. Spend an afternoon with your friends and family, enjoying the unique and charismatic atmosphere.
Savour our exquisite wines and traditional foods of this region. Uncover the usually hidden mysterious corners of Modra and take a peek into lives of families that were formed for generations by vineyards and wine making.
The purchase of REGULAR ticket (28 €) gives you:
- Wine tasting glass
- A glass-holding bag with a logo of the event
- Catalogue of wine makers and their wines
- Map of event
- Free shuttle bus
- 4 € wine bottle purchase bonus
- 50 wine tasting tickets á 25 cents (total 12.50 €) to be used as a currency in wine cellars. One wine tasting ticket gives you 0.03 l of wine of your choice, with the exception of sweet wines, which can cost more tickets.
The purchase of COUPLES ticket (43 €) gives you:
- 2 x Wine tasting glass
- 2 x A glass-holding bag with a logo of the event
- 2 x Catalogue of wine makers and their wines
- 2 x Map of event
- Free shuttle bus
- 2 x 4 € wine bottle purchase bonus
- 50 wine tasting tickets á 25 cents (total 12.50 €)
This wine-tasting ticket system helps to elevate our event and rewards the wine makers for their year-long hard work.
We hope you will accept our invitation and we will see you on Saturday, April 8th 2017 in Modra, with a glass of good wine in hand.
List of wine makers
BRATIA ČÍČKOVCI - vinohradníctvo a vinárstvo | |
ELESKO a.s. | |
FEDOR MALÍK A SYN., s.r.o. | |
Fekete a syn | |
Gustáv Paták - DeGusto Winery | |
Heizer Jozef | |
Hospodárov výber Miloslav Sodoma, SHR | |
Huttera a spol, Modra | |
Jakubec Vincent - Vinárstvo | |
Juran z Modry | |
Malé divy | |
Marek Kakalík, Modra | |
Martin Poruban | |
Michal Volek - LALINWINE | |
Miroslav Dudo - VMD | |
Neco estate winery | |
Petrakovič, Víno z Kráľovej | |
R.K.VIN MODRA - Ing. Radovan Krajčovič | |
Róbert Juran - Revin | |
Rodinná produkcia JaR Ružek |
Shebo Winery, a.s. | |
SODOMA Víno | |
Sodoma víno - VINIFERA | |
Stredná odborná škola vinársko-ovocinárska Modra | |
Tri Hony - Rodinné vinárstvo | |
Vinárstvo Rariga | |
Víno Fiala | |
Víno Kanich | |
Víno Kmeťo | |
Víno Lalinský | |
Víno Ludvik s.r.o. | |
Víno Poláček | |
Víno PURUS s.r.o. | |
Víno Šimonovič | |
víno ŠTIGLIC | |
Víno Turčina Modra | |
Vinohrady Kováč | |
VS – Vinohradníctvo a vinárstvo Somorovský |